“Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is the one who keeps the Law” Proverbs 29:18

My vision is ‘To Empower Faithfulness’

That which is most precious is not just left lying out in the open, but rather, is hidden away like a buried treasure.

 We must learn to seek the “Kingdom of God and His righteousness” like we would seek the most valuable of hidden treasures.

 We will begin with the ABC’s. Psalm 119 is called the ‘ABC Psalm’ and is the foundation of “Hebrew Love Letters.” Psalm 19 is a condensed summary of Psalm 119:1-8.

Then… In ‘Treasures and Tools’… we will learn to use study tools, to dig up the buried treasure, found in The Word of God.

Spell LOVE... a WHOLE heart!

LoVe ... consider the consonantsLeV in Hebrew is 'heart' (The full word is labab written with 2 letter 'bets').Lev, love... is spelled with a lamed, 'L' and 'Bet.' A lamed is a shepherd's staff that leads. Bet is a house. The letter bet ca…

LoVe ... consider the consonants
LeV in Hebrew is 'heart' (The full word is labab written with 2 letter 'bets').
Lev, love... is spelled with a lamed, 'L' and 'Bet.' 
A lamed is a shepherd's staff that leads. 
Bet is a house. The letter bet can be pronounced as a 'b' or a 'v/ 
Love, the heart God, is to lead to the united house of the Father and the Son.

What might a 'half a heart' look like?  A whole heart?

Want to be wise? FEAR GOD!

The Level and Straight Foundation